Caring and helping to meet the needs of others is a vital part of our life together in West Church. Along with the ongoing work of the Ministerial Team and Church Elders, you will find listed below some of the specific pastoral services available.
If you could benefit from any of these services or know someone else who might, please contact a member of the Ministerial Team. Home visitation group; Pastoral care in time of illness; Visitation in time of personal and family difficulties; Church service recordings; Transport to and from Church; Lone parents and families; Families in need of food hampers to feed the family; Students and others away from home; Pastoral care ministry team.
IGNITE and Small Group
The great thing about the Christian faith is that we can know God personally. To do that we must know the Bible. Both IGNITE (Ignite the Good News in The Everyday) and Home Group are great opportunities to deepen our knowledge of God’s Word and extend our Christian fellowship.
IGNITE meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of every month from 7.45 – 9.00pm in the social area at Church. Presently we have ceased meeting for the summer. Further details of our plans to resume will be posted towards the end of the summer 2023.
Small Group meets every other Wednesday evening at the home of Patricia Carruthers from 7.30pm.
For further details contact
IGNITE and Small Group
The great thing about the Christian faith is that we can know God personally. To do that we must know the Bible. Both IGNITE (Ignite the Good News in The Everyday) and Home Group are great opportunities to deepen our knowledge of God’s Word and extend our Christian fellowship.
IGNITE meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of every month from 7.45 – 9.00pm in the social area at Church. As a group we are reading God’s Word together using the Community Bible Experience. Currently we are reading “The Writings” (Volume 3) using the 16 week Bible Reading Plan.
Small Group meets every other Wednesday evening at the home of Patricia Carruthers from 7.30pm.
For further details contact
Sunday Morning Prayer Time before the morning service from 10.30am. Please join us in the Prayer Room for as long as you can to commit the service and life of our congregation to the Lord in prayer.
Elder’s Prayer Time meets in the Prayer Room on the 3rd Sunday morning of every month from 9.45 – 10.30am. The next meeting will be on Sunday 19th June 2022.
Prayer Triplets are informal arrangements of members who meet at convenient times to pray for each other either in person or on zoom. Monthly “Prayer Points” are prepared for these groups to give them some direction and guidance and highlight different topics as a focus for prayer.
Prayer Ministry is available in the Prayer Room after Sunday morning services for those who have prayer needs for themselves or someone they know or love. Members of the Prayer Ministry team have been trained to undertake this ministry. The Prayer Ministry team do not offer counselling or advice, but will pray and seek God’s divine input for the situation(s) or person(s) prayed for. Confidentiality and the integrity of the person being prayed for is always respected.
Prayer email this is an electronic way of accessing more immediate prayer. Emergency prayer requests should be sent to they will then be distributed to a wider group of praying people for their immediate prayerful attention.
To find out more about prayer contact us at
Sunday Morning Prayer Time meets before the morning service at 10.30am in the Prayer Room. Please come and join us for as long or as short a time as you can stay.
Elder’s Prayer Time meets in the Prayer Room from 9.45 – 10.30am on the third Sunday morning of every month. The next meeting will be Sunday 17th June 2022.
Prayer Triplets are informal arrangements of members who meet at convenient times to pray for each other either in person or on zoom. Monthly “Prayer Points” are prepared for these groups to highlight different topics as a focus for prayer.
Prayer Ministry is available in the Prayer Room after Sunday morning services for those who have prayer needs for themselves or someone they know or love. Members of the Prayer Ministry team have been trained to undertake this ministry. The Prayer Ministry team do not offer counselling or advice, but will pray and seek God’s divine input for the situation(s) or person(s) prayed for. Confidentiality and the integrity of the person being prayed for is always respected.
Prayer email this is an electronic way of accessing more immediate prayer. Emergency prayer requests should be sent to they will then be distributed to a wider group of praying people for their immediate prayerful attention.
To find out more about prayer contact us at
Hope Café
Hope Café or Café Church is a unique opportunity to invite those within our community to experience a fresh expression of Church. The intention is to create a relaxed natural and helpful environment to explore the Christian faith over a cup of coffee. Hope Café is scheduled to meet on Sunday 26th February at 4.30 pm in the Social area. For further details contact
Hope Café
Hope Café meets in the social area on Sunday afternoons at 4.30 on the 20th & 27th March and 3rd & 10th April. It is a unique opportunity to invite those within our community to experience a fresh expression of Church. The intention is to create a relaxed natural and helpful environment to explore the Christian faith over a cup of coffee. Please come and join us as we look forward to Easter.
For further details contact
Each month, we distribute food hampers to those in our community who are in need of our support. To help with this important ministry, please bring along an extra non-perishable grocery item or two from the list to church with you. Collection trolleys are located in the glass porch entrance areas to the social area ready to receive your donations. You may also drop of items for this vital ministry during Office hours 8.30am to 13.30pm Tuesday to Friday. The office is closed on a Monday.
Each month, we distribute food hampers to those in our community who are in need of our support. To help with this important ministry, please bring along an extra non-perishable grocery item or two from the list to church with you. The collection trolleys are located daily in the glass porch area of the New Hall on the Albert Place side of the building and will remain in place if you would like to bring groceries during Office hours 8.30am to 13.30pm Tuesday to Friday. The office is closed on a Monday.
Praise and Worship
West Church has a long and rich tradition of high quality choral and organ music which continues today under the Musical Director, Mr Sam Murray. We aspire to worship and praise which is spirit-led and gives glory and praise to Jesus, is worshipful, and honouring to God, is spiritually up-lifting and engages everyone and is musically competent and of a high standard.
For further details contact
West Church has a long and rich tradition of high quality choral and organ music which continues today under the Musical Director, Mr Sam Murray. We aspire to worship and praise which are spirit-led, give glory to Jesus, are worshipful, honouring to God, spiritually up-lifting and bring everyone into the living presence of our Father God. We also pusue worship which is musically competent and of a high standard.
For further details contact
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (Communion) is one of the two sacrements of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Coming to the Lord’s Table is therefore a significant occasion, so it is treated with great importance. At West Church we have a number of Communion Services throughout the year namely the first Sunday in January at 11.00 am; Maundy Thursday at 7.30 pm; Second Sunday in May at 11.00 am; Last Sunday in July at 11.00 am; Third Sunday in September at 6.30 pm; First Sunday in November at 11.00 am. It therefore follows that our next service of Communion will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 6th April 2023.
Anyone wishing to consider becoming a full communicant member or transferring their membershio from another fellowship should speak to the Rev Daniel Kane.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is usually celebrated on the following dates: First Sunday in January at 11.00 am; Third Sunday in February (16th) at 6.30 pm; Maundy Thursday at 7.30 pm; Second Sunday in May at 11.00 am; Last Sunday in July at 11.00 am; Third Sunday in September at 6.30 pm; First Sunday in November at 11.00 am. Please check the News page on the website and West Church Facebook posts for any updates on these services.